Hello, I'm Suteja!

About Me

My background is a trained engineer and Digital Marketeer. It has given me a bias to analytical thinking and a keen sense of empathy for the end users.

While working for a marketing agency as a Conversion Rate Optimisation consultant, I was first introduced to Design Thinking framework and principles. I found this very interesting and after a bit of research decided to combine my analytical thinking and marketing skills with design thinking to become a User Experience Designer.

I love to create beautiful things and experiences which now extends to creating beautiful websites and experiences for people.

Hats that I have worn! 👒

I have been lucky to have opportunities to work in different industries as a traditional marketeer and then a digital marketeer. I worked with companies that manufactured batteries, that developed a Facial Recognition software, that developed a SaaS product for restaurants, and finally a marketing agency.

My career has three distinct phases.

Traditional Marketing

I worked for a battery manufacturing company and then owned an art Franchise during this phase of my career. I created marketing campaigns, redesigned websites to improve conversion rates and designed brochures and PR materials. The important takeaway from this phase was my skill of learning to listen to the end users and create campaigns that resonated with their needs that the company could fulfil.

Digital Marketing

I earned a Diploma in Digital Marketing from IDM during which I worked for a start-up with a SaaS product for restaurants and also worked as a Conversion Rate optimisation Consultant for a marketing agency. During this phase, I learned to research my customers using analytics and take these findings to iterate the campaigns and improve conversion.

UX Designer

I started my journey into UX design with a boot camp from CareerFoundry in late 2020. I have since created three concept projects , participated in a Creative Jam with NASA and worked on a freelancing project using the Design thinking process.
My Design Skills.
-Competitor Analysis
-User Interviews
-User Research
-User Flows
-Affinity Mapping
-Journey Maps
-Empathy Maps
-Usability Testing
Tools I have Used.
-Adobe XD
-Adobe Illustrator
-Adobe After Effects
-Usability Hub


These are three things you would know about me after meeting me for the first time!
🏠 I live in the Thames Valley area near London, the British version of the Silicon Valley!
✏️ I am learning to draw and I try to do it everyday which helps me destress.
🍲 I am vegetarian and a foodie. I love exploring new flavours and coffees!
picture of vegetarian food